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Second Language Welsh


The Fflic a Fflac series are a set of resources aimed at assisting Welsh language development in the Foundation Phase. Whilst they are primarily intended for use in teaching Welsh as a second language, they can also be used for supporting and improving the ability of native Welsh speakers. The series consists of four comprehensive multimedia packs of progressing difficulty, four sets of additional reading books, a music CD-ROM and a pair of puppets.


Fflic a Fflac pack 1 is the first in the series suitable for introducing children to the Welsh language. The pack, which includes 3 DVDs, 18 colourful A4 books and an interactive CD-ROM, is divided into six units and will familiarize students with Welsh language patterns, sentence structure and vocabulary.


The DVDs follow the adventures of two puppets, Fflic and Fflac and a presenter, Elin. The videos introduce language patterns through a variety of methods including studio-based interaction between puppets and presenter, songs and video clips on location in schools and around Wales. Each video is around 5 minutes long which means they can be easily incorporated into lessons.


The books reinforce the language explored in the DVD and is suitable for group or individual reading. At the back of each book there is a list of vocabulary and language to be used when introducing, reading and discussing the stories.

Fflic a Fflac - Pack 1

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